Today I went to the mall before work to buy The Sims for PS2, but turns out that’s coming out TOMORROW. Darn. So to console myself, I bought some other stuff. The calendar kiosk that pops up in november every year and disappears by february had all their calendars on sale for $3, so since I only got 2 calendars for christmas (I usually get like 4), I bought myself two new calendars. The Buffy one, which I’m surprised no one got me cause everytime I saw it in the mall I’d howl “I want the Buuuuuuufffy caaaaaaalendaaar!” I think I’ll put the Buffy one in my bathroom, since I’ve still got my 2002 LOTR calendar hanging in there cause I didn’t have anything to replace it with. I also got a Jack Russell Terrier calendar.
As I walked past Spencers I noticed they had some LOTR posters out – I had asked for one for Xmas but when mom went to get it they only had the one I DIDN’T want (the Sarumon one). They had a nice one of Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas, and I decided to get that one. The Arwen/Aragorn/Eowyn one would have looked prettier with my wall colour, but I like the characters in the one I got better. I think I’ll put it in my bathroom as well – the wall has looked awfully blank ever since mom took that shelf down. So I got the poster, went in the store and also found………………… NEW HOLY GRAIL FIGURE!! Yes it’s the French Taunter, and he comes with a chicken. So I got him, too. I also discovered that Tim is an internet only figure, so I just came home and placed an order for Tim.
Now, if you really want to know the most interesting thing that happened to me today, you could skip all that stuff about junk I bought today and skip to this. As I was approaching Spencers, I saw a man lean out of the store, look around, and then go back in. He was in a nice suit, a khaki trenchcoat, and he was talking on a walkie-talkie. When I went in the store, he was standing there looking at those little keychains of animals that when you squeeze them they “poop.”
I think he was an FBI agent or something. He certainly looked the part. I just can’t figure why he was A) in Spencers or B) looking at pooping animal keychains.
Or, you know, he may think like me and just dress like that and carry a walkie talkie around for the fun of it. I’d do that. Freak people out.